What I want

If you were to ask me why I run this site(s), I would probably give you a typical lawyer’s answer:
„It depends…“

Then your (justified) question would be: „What for?“

„On who you are talking about here,“ I would say, „If it’s just about me, then I would like to encourage other (chronically) sick people and show them what might still be possible and encourage them never to give up. In addition, I want to reach their hearts and the hearts of as many other people as possible with my stories, entertain a little, inspire smiles, reflection and compassion and thus make them and myself happy.

When it comes to others and a generally good thing, I certainly want to give PARKINSON a face, get this disease out of anonymity on behalf of so many others and promote looking, approaching each other, not hiding and not being afraid of contact, because I believe that with openness, communication and tolerance your, mine and all of our lives will simply be better.

And since many great people (often volunteers) stand up for other people every day anew, I would like to give a hint to them, be it the Parkinson’s Association, the Young Parkinson’s Patients or another of the many self-help groups that can be found on the „Encouragement Pages“ among other things.“

I would say all this to you if you asked me why I run this site(s) and then I would take you in my arms and thank you for your honest interest and hope that I can reach you and your heart.



Your Anja Allmanritter

I don’t want much.

Just want to  touch people.

And will not retreat a millimeter from the disease.

I don’t want much.

Coping through writing is my goal.

Giving up has never been my style.

I don’t want much.

Just want to touch people.


My Writing Blog


Die Fäden in der Hand halten

Die Fäden in der Hand halten

Glaubst du wirklich immer noch ernsthaft daran, dass unsereins im Leben die Fäden in der Hand halten kann? Wie süß das ist und wie unfassbar naiv. Bist du in deinem Alter wirklich so dumm oder lief in deinem Leben bisher stets alles rund und in geraden Bahnen? Falls...



Es regnet. Bindfäden und das seit Tagen. Genauer gesagt seit 3 Tagen. Pünktlich zu meinem Sommerurlaubsbeginn hat es angefangen. Und soll – laut Prognose – auch pünktlich zu dessen Ende erst aufhören. Verregneter Sommer, trüber Urlaub, trüb-verregnetes Leben. Mein...


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