No plant is more difficult to grow than the plant of trust.
No forbidden fruit is more difficult to resist than the fruit of lust.
No creeper is more difficult to remove than the creeper of power.
No blossom is more difficult to protect than the blossom of a given love vower.
No thorn is more difficult to take out than the thorn of hate.
No shoot is more difficult to cultivate than the shoot of fate.
No pest is more difficult to fight than the pest of excessive speed.

No weed is more difficult to uproot than the weed of greed.
No tree is more difficult to grow than the tree of serenity.
No tuber is more difficult to find than the tuber of honesty and loyalty.

No toadstool is more difficult to detect than the toadstool of treachery.
No glasshouse is more difficult to build than the glasshouse of warmth and security.
No climbing aid is more difficult to erect than the climbing aid of discretion.
No gardener is more difficult to spot than the gardener of sincere affection.
No field is more difficult to farm than the field of strife.

No harvest is more difficult to bring in than the harvest of a whole human life.

All texts and photographs / photos used on this and the following pages are protected by copyright. If you want to use these or parts of them, please contact the author – – a text by Anja Allmanritter, Koblenz